Funday / FUNDAY彙編整理 2011/09/02

(Health) Breaking a Sweat

The human body sweats 24/7, 365 days of the year.
But all that sweating isn't necessarily noticeable.
Most of our sweat, which is made of salt and water, evaporates right when it leaves our pores.
The times when we do notice sweat, however, can be times of apprehension.
For one, we notice the smell of sweat.
Our sweat mixes with oil and bacteria, which creates our own special scent.
And strong smelling foods (like garlic or curry) can also come out of our pores and add to our personal perfume.
Add this to times when you are nervous, excited, or just really, really hot, and that little bit of saltwater becomes very prominent.
Dialogue Example
(Sweating)Kim and Eric have just finished working out. They are drinking water and talking about the heat of the day. Let's listen to their conversation.
金姆: 哇,你今天喝了一大桶的水!
Kim: Wow, you're drinking a ton of water today!
艾瑞克: 對阿,你沒看見我流多少汗嗎? 你可以從我的上衣上擰出一桶水。

Eric: Yeah, can't you see how much I've been sweating? You could wring my shirt and fill a bucket!
金姆: 你為什麼流那麼多汗? 我的衣服已經幾乎要乾了。
Kim: Why do you sweat so much? My clothes are almost dry already.
艾瑞克: 每個人都不同。有些人可以長跑馬拉松也幾乎不需要洗澡、有些人則一整天溼漉漉的。
Eric: Everyone is different. Some people can run a marathon and barely need a shower, and some stay damp all day.
金姆: 所以我猜我是其中的那個幸運兒囉? 對了,你今天有吃大蒜嗎?
Kim: So I guess I'm one of the lucky ones, huh? By the way, did you eat garlic today?
艾瑞克: 嗯,有阿,我昨晚吃了有大蒜醬料的義大利麵。我忘記這東西的味道會隨著流汗跑出毛細孔。

Eric: Um, yeah, I had pasta with garlic sauce last night. I forgot that that stuff comes out of your pores when you sweat, too!
金姆: 嗯,繼續喝水把剩下的通通沖出來吧
Kim: Well, keep drinking that water to flush the rest out.
艾瑞克: 你也是! 你不流汗不代表你不需要補充水分。
Eric: You, too! Just because you don't sweat doesn't mean you shouldn't stay hydrated.

    創作者 馬汀林 的頭像

    馬汀林 驛動山水 papago

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