

A rising tide lifts all the boats.



這個伊索寓言的教訓是:兩邊不沾鍋,就交不到朋友(He that is neither one thing nor the other has no friends.,這也是英文 "be neither one thing nor the other"(四不像)的由來。

例:"The bat speculates in taking side like an arbitrager. It tries to do too much, and is neither one thing nor the other."


其實這種哪邊有好處,就往哪裡靠攏的人(a scavenger),並不僅限於蝙蝠。最近美國媒體報導:美國職棒大聯盟成績永遠吊車尾的匹茲堡海盜隊,獲利竟然名列前茅,這是因為它把大聯盟分配、原本讓弱隊用來吸引好手的巨額輔導金,扣住當成紅利中飽私囊!

海盜隊未善用專屬的輔導金(with its name on it)吸引好手,成績自然很差(does not make a name for itself),間接也影響大聯盟票房。該隊不力爭上游,唯利是圖,難怪報導以"gutter-dwelling"(不入流)來形容。

例:"My friend Anthony is a scavenger. He's always taking something without asking."「安東尼最大的毛病,就是到處占別人便宜。」

"Things like umbrellas with your name on it will make a big difference to those caught in a heavy storm or a hurricane."「看清局勢,備妥專門脫困之道,變局來臨,就可以大大發揮功效。」

" Taiwan made a name for herself as a fruit kingdom."「台灣素有水果王國美名。」

強敵環伺,想突圍而出,就要使盡全力(buy in;但有時後段班(weakest link in the chain再怎麼努力,也趕不上佼佼者,所以大聯盟回饋給各球隊輔導金,讓弱隊網羅好手提升實力。旗鼓相當,打起來好看,票房才能拉高,這就是「水漲船高」(A rising tide lifts all the boats.的道理。

例:"We bought in to take part in the system."「我們使盡全力,以留在主流。」

"A chain is no stronger than its weakest link."「鐵鍊的強度由最弱的一環來決定:一顆屎壞了一鍋粥。」

"A rising tide lifts all the boats and as China becomes more prosperous so does the whole world, and as she declines so does the whole world."「中國表現好壞,舉世都受影響,這就是一榮皆榮,一枯皆枯。」

孫子說:「銳卒勿攻」,是不做無謂犧牲,但仍要提升實力;絕非像海盜隊一樣毫不作為(deadwood占著茅坑不拉屎(just marking time。把餅做大,才是水漲船高的真意。

例:"Pittsburg Pirate is really just deadwood in the league. It abuses the general agreement and takes the revenue sharing without pulling its own weight."「海盜隊漠視協議精神,濫用準備金,真是尸位素餐。」

"He's not really doing anything serious at the moment because he's just marking time until he finds a proper job."「一句話形容他的表現:占著毛坑不拉屎。」

    創作者 馬汀林 的頭像

    馬汀林 驛動山水 papago

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