Funday / FUNDAY彙編整理 2011/01/25
(Health) Times More Prone for Illness
The newest medical research discovered that most illnesses occur and deteriorate at obvious times.
People's lives are especially vulnerable at certain times.
For example, the time you are most likely to get sick during the day is when you get out of bed, between 6 and 8AM.
Monday is the day that people get sick most easily in a week.
On nights with a full moon, people’s bodies experience changes from the moon's affect.
The two months that have the highest risk of stroke are the hottest and coldest months.
In addition, people are at their most dangerous time after entering middle age.
Dialogue Example:
〈疾病〉Leo 跟 James 兩個人剛拿到公司的體檢報告,兩人對彼此的健康有了以下的討論。
(Disease) Leo and James just got their company’s physical examination. The two have the below discussion toward their health.
Leo: 天啊,我的血壓跟心臟功能似乎不太好。
Leo: My goodness, my blood pressure and condition of my heart are not too good.
James: 那你每天起床時可要小心了。
James:You should be careful when you get out of bed every morning.
Leo: 為什麼清晨跟生病會有關係呢?
Leo:What does the morning have to do with getting sick?
James: 事實上特定時間跟特定疾病之間,有不可分割的關連。
James:Actually, certain times may have inseparable connection with certain diseases.
Leo: 那你呢?你該注意的時間是什麼時候。
Leo:What about you? What times should you pay attention to?
James: 我進入了人生的危險期,中年。
James:I have entered a dangerous period in life, middle age.
Leo: 那你可要好好保養身體了。
Leo:Then you should take care of your body.
James: 還有另外一個危險期是憂鬱星期一。
James:Another dangerous time is blue Monday.